The 2015 Jury members were:
ACE representative Arch. Luciano LAZZARI, president ACE and jury president
EAAE representative Prof.Arch. Karl Otto ELLEFSEN, president EAAE
UAUIM representative Prof.Ph.D.Arch. Zeno BOGDĂNESCU, rector UAUIM
and two architectural profession representatives:
Arch. Wolf PRIX from Coop Himmelb(l)au
Read the jury report: EAM-BDP-2015-Jury-Report-and-Awards.pdf
The 2015 winning entries are:
European Architectural Medal for Best Diploma Project:
by Laurentiu Tiberiu Stancu
from Institute of Architecture and Planning, University of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein
ACE Prize for Societal Impact:
by Enya Aamo Aspen, Rikke Christine Nyrud
from Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Norway
EAAE Prize for Innovation (Problem Solving):
by Eoghan Horgan, Kieran Cremin
from Cork Centre for Architectural Education (CCAE), Ireland
UAUIM Prize for Artistic Quality:
by Giuseppe Tupputi, Pietro Capozzi, Giuseppe Galliani, Nina Ivanovic, Maysha Mussonghora, Rosa Piepoli
from Politecnico di Bari, Italy
Honorable Mention for Innovation:
by Orla Punch
from School of Architecture, University of Limerick (SAUL), Ireland
Honorable Mention for Artistic Achievement:
by Stefan Noser
from ZHAW – Zurich University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland
Honorable Mention for Societal Impact:
by Julien Theillet
from École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture Montpellier, France