Industrial biodiversity of the Petite Ceinture in Paris

by Katarzyna Leśniewska from University of Fine Arts in Poznań, Poland
Tutored by: Eugeniusz Skrzypczak

Author comments:

La Petite Ceinture is a 33 km long railway track system around Paris. The line was created in 1855 as an important element of the industrial development of the city. In 1993 La PC was completely closed and retained only one of its original function of its western part. More than half of the la PC is covered with uncontrolled vegetation. Their integration with the city, however, takes place only at the visual level, and the space its inaccessible to residents.
The proposed establishment of the park - the bicycle path, eco-bypass allows cyclists. Indirect communication is a reference to another part of the project - a factory producing biofuel distributed in the city. Oil for the production is obtained from micro-algae grown. These farms represent a synthesis of the landscape and the production process, including metabolism of the city. Water for farming would be drawn from the Seine and returned to the river after filtering. Micro-algae developing in the process of photosynthesis, become the lungs of the city and can be supplied in carbon dioxide also by neighboring industrial facilities.
The presented proposal is an attempt to create a new kind of ecosystem, seeks to broaden the notion park based on the biosphere industry, becoming an integral part of the ecological city, which creation in harmony with nature takes place on many levels.

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