Luciano Lazzari / President of ACE

Luciano Lazzari is a practising architect in Trieste, where he was born. He grew up in South Africa where he began his studies at UCT before going to London to complete them and qualify as an architect with the RIBA. He subsequently moved back to Italy and set up the ZELCO LAZZARI partnership, which has been active for 30 years in many spheres of activity, but mostly concentrating on residential, healthcare and urban design. The office has carried out much renovation and urban regeneration projects, with some innovative zero energy buildings.

He has had teaching experience as external examiner for final year students in Trieste university, for Syracuse University, Florence and with Westminster University, London. He has also run three studio master project courses for TUGraz. He has extensive experience on design competition juries, from 2005 till today.

In the year 2000 Luciano Lazzari was elected President of the Institute of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservationists for the province of Trieste, and later Co-ordinator of the same Institutes for the 13 provinces in the Regions the northeast, until 2009.

In 2013 he was elected President of the Architects’ Council of Europe, an organisation based in Brussels and representing 600,000 architects registered with the professional organisations of 32 countries. He is now serving his second mandate. In recognition of his contribution to fostering international relations and service to Architecture, he was made honorary member of both the American AIA and the Croatian CCA.